The best place to enhance your Brian power!

An exploration of all the Brians out there in order to expand our horizons... you know, pick their Brians a little.

Episode 0107 - Happy Life Gobble!!


It's a pre-Thanksgiving helping of Brian Trust stuffing!! This week, the Brians chat about the recent passing of Stan Lee and others (celebs die in 3s, folks... it's a thing!), as well the upcoming double helping of MST3K for its 30th anniversary this year. They also bring up the 40th anniversary (on the date this was recorded!) of the legendarily-infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, which leads into a discussion of their early TV watching days at the dawn of cable TV and waxing nostalgic about evolving phone technology.

Man, there are a LOT of pay phones apparently available for filming in "The Americans". Seriously... so much pay phone usage. Anyway, Happy Life Day everyone!



Every Stan Lee Cameo Ever (1989-2018) - Youtube

The Star Wars Holiday Special - Rifftrax

Los Angeles Times - 40th anniversary of the Holiday Special

Mental Floss - An Oral History of the Star Wars Holiday Special



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 26.41MB - Duration: 57:42 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

Welcome one and all to The Brian Trust!

This is a casual conversation between your hosts, Brian & Brian, and other guys named Brian (or Bryan, if you insist on misspelling your name) to find out more about the world. Because let's face it, there's a lot of Brian power out there. Time to put it to work!

We've a lot of good shows coming, so please subscribe and leave us your feedback in the iTunes Store or on our Facebook page!